Saturday, April 30, 2005


Category: Vocabulary
palter (PAWL-tuhr) verb intr.
  1. To talk or act in an insincere or deceitful manner.
  2. To haggle.
Where I learned it:
A.Word.A.Day email.


Friday, April 29, 2005

Dribbling in Netball

Category: Sport Rules
You cannot dribble in netball, however there are allowances for bouncing the ball once to gain control. Several variations seem to exist on this rule, however, mostly regarding whether you are allowed to bounce when already in controlled possession of the ball. The 'official rules' are unavailable online without purchase, but variations seem to imply that, officially, bouncing when in controlled possession is legal. Other variations state that you cannot retake possession immediately after bouncing, although another team-mate can.

Where I learned it:
Assisting a netball session in Physical Education class.


Thursday, April 28, 2005


Category: Linguistics
velarization: tr. verb
"To articulate (a sound) by retracting the back of the tongue toward the soft palate."

Examples: The l sound in bell or milk.
Non-Examples: The l sound in lip or please.

Where I learned it:

A conversation with an English teacher/linguist friend during a game of squash.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The three great virtues of a programmer

Category: Quote
"...the three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience, and hubris."
- Larry Wall, Programming Perl (1st Edition), O'Rielly & Associates

Where I learned it:
Used by a programmer in self-defence on a product mailing list.


Monday, April 25, 2005

The Doctor gets 13 lives

Category: TV Trivia
I was aware that "The Doctor" of the "Dr Who" TV series gets to 'regenerate', thus extending his lifespan and allowing the producers to cast a new Doctor when necessary. I didn't know that he only gets to do it 12 times (thus, 13 incarnations). The current Doctor (played by Christopher Eccleston) is number 9, meaning he only has 4 lives left. And there will be a new one this time next year (played by David Tennant). Hopefully the next version survives more than one season...

Where I learned it:

An IM conversation about the state of sci-fi on television.


And So It Begins...

This blog is as much personal challenge as anything else. It has been said that you learn something new every day. My goal is to record that new piece of knowledge that I acquire here for posterity. One new thing every day.

In aid of this, I have created a new word - circadianoesis - the title of this blog. Its definition is above, so I won't repeat it, but for the etymologically curious, it is a combination of two existing words: circadian (recurring every 24 hours) and noesis (understanding/learning). Yes, this is a combination of Latin- and Greek-rooted words, but I like 'noesis' better than any of the Latin equivalents.

Now, we all hear a lot of stuff every day, be it from friends, books, TV or the Internet. So, here are the ground rules for what is considered to be circadianoesis.
  1. No News is Circadianoesis. Current events can lead to new knowledge, but do not count in and of themselves. Finding out the name of the new pope does not qualify. Digging around and finding out the electoral procedure for selecting a new pope would count.
  2. Veritas, Veritas! The new knowledge must be verifiable truth. Within a week of being posted, the circadianoesis must have at least two reliable sources to back it up. Sources include:
    • Reference texts (encyclopaedia, dictionaries, etc)
    • Physical evidence
    • Research data
    • Quotes from experts in an appropriate field
New rules may become apparent over time. Let the games begin!